setStopWords( loadStopWords()) įinal List wordFrequencies = frequencyAnalyzer. setWordFrequenciesToReturn( 300) įrequencyAnalyzer. Frequency Analyzer to tokenize, filter and compute word counts.īrew install kumo Available from Maven Centralįinal FrequencyAnalyzer frequencyAnalyzer = new FrequencyAnalyzer() įrequencyAnalyzer.WhiteSpace and Chinese Word Tokenizer.Draw two opposing word clouds in one image to easily compare/contrast date sets. Two Modes that of Collision and Padding: PIXEL_PERFECT and RECTANGLE.Fully customizable BackGrounds coming soon. Just provide a Start Angle, End Angle, and number of slices.

Image Overlay will draw words over all non-transparent pixels. Draw Rectangle, Circle or Image Overlay word clouds.

Please feel free to jump in and help improve Kumo! There are many places for performance optimization in Kumo! Kumo directly generates an image file without the need to create an applet as many other libraries do. Kumo's goal is to create a powerful and user friendly Word Cloud API in Java.