You can just install Rhino and V-Ray for Rhino without Swarm and still be able to render on render nodes with Swarm. Likewise, you don’t need to install Swarm if you do not want the machine to be a render node. A standalone V-Ray Swarm installer is available at. You do not need to install Rhino or V-Ray for Rhino on a machine that you only want to use as a render node you can just install Swarm. Swarm can be installed alongside V-Ray for Rhino, but may also be installed on its own by launching the V-Ray installer, and selecting to install only V-Ray Swarm. To download the files used in this tutorial, please click on the button below. In addition, neither Rhino, nor V-Ray for Rhino need to be installed on the secondary machine. This tutorial is a companion to go along with the QuickStart video posted on our YouTube channel and available here: Please note that Swarm can be installed on Windows, Macintosh and Linux computers. To follow this tutorial, you will need to have the V-Ray for Rhino plugin installed on a host machine, and at least one other computer to use as a render node. This tutorial includes how to install Swarm onto machines without even needing Rhino installed, how to access and control the Swarm options, and how to run a distributed render managed by Swarm. Swarm provides dynamic control of multiple machines on your network to render scenes at a significantly faster rate than what can be done locally on a single computer. This tutorial covers how to use V-Ray Swarm, a distributed rendering system that allows you to render on multiple machines at once using a simple web interface. This page provides a step-by-step introduction to V-Ray Swarm for Rhino.